Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rain Rain go Away...Please Send Spring our Way!

This spring (as soon as the rain move on!) we will begin to play outside again. Some of the students in class have brought up how they know kids in places like homeless shelters who do not have a playground to play at or a yard even and they want to help them. As a class we decided there could be no better way than to do a chalk drive! If at all possible we are asking that each child bring in a package of sidewalk chalk. After we have collected enough we will schedule a trip to the local shelter in which we will give the chalk and take a tour of the place. I think this is a great way for our kids to serve the community and show Christ's love among our fellow townies! I would like to have all the chalk collected my the end of March and then sometime around the middle of April we will make our trip there! I am so blessed to have such wonderful, giving students in my class. Thank you parents for allowing them to be under my care during the day! Keep up your great work of leading these children in the footsteps of Christ!

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